The Removal of ID Schema on OrderBook Feeds


Связанный тип: Others

2023-05-19 07:34

On 26 June and 10 July 2023, the below changes will be made in our production environment to the WebSocket API. This is being done to ensure BitMEX traders receive prices from order-books in a simpler way. The ID in orderbookL2 and orderbookL25 data feeds will no longer be translatable to a price level, instead a price will be already be explicitly provided on all insert and update messages. .There will be no guarantee that the book can be sorted by ID. For sorting purposes please use the price provided. . This is a mandatory API change for clients relying on the previous ID schema to source prices. This API change affecting the IDs will be implemented in the Testnet and the Production environment, in accordance with the following schedule: 25 May 2023 – All symbols in Testnet .26 Jun 2023 – The following instruments only in Production environment: DOTUSDT,USDTUSDC,SUIUSD,AXSUSD,XBTU23,SOL_USDT,GMXUSDT,ETHUSD_ETH,AVAXUSD,APTUSD,TRX_USDT,XBTZ23,XBTUSDTM23,ETHUSDM23,ETHM23,NEARUSD,BLURUSDT,EOSUSD,BLURUSD,MATIC_USDT,CROUSD,XBTUSDTU23,AVAXUSDT,BMEXUSD,FLRUSD,ADAM23,GMTUSDT,LUNAUSD,FLOKIUSDT,LINK_USDT,GMTUSD,ARBUSD,ARBUSDTM23,1TAIDOGEUSDT,UNI_USDT,AXS_USDT,APE_USDT.10 July 2023 – All remaining symbols in Production environment. . As a price is already explicitly provided on all insert and updates, clients can implement any required changes to their systems from now on. In the meantime, if you have any questions please contact Support.