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Docking Layer: solução da exSat para melhorar a escalabilidade e interoperabilidade do Bitcoin

Docking Layer: solução da exSat para melhorar a escalabilidade e interoperabilidade do Bitcoin WikiBit 2024-04-11 05:03

Coinspeaker Docking Layer: exSat’s Solution to Enhance Bitcoin’s Scalability and Interoperability In a bid to bridge the gap that exists between Bitcoin

  Unlike Bitcoin, the Ethereum platform is different and it has gone ahead to introduce Layer 2 scaling solutions for seamless operation. Bitcoin, however, with its unique architecture presents distinct challenges for similar advancements. The role of exSat Docking Layer is to bridge the gap between Bitcoins native protocol and Layer 2 scaling solutions.

  Bitcoins structural strength is security. It has flaws in the implementation of smart contract functionality and scaling. These weaknesses have led to reliance on off-chain solutions which have centralization risks. Thus, to address these gaps, exSat introduces a suite of protocols and mechanisms that enables decentralized data indexing for Bitcoin and other assets using EOS RAM for high-speed access and low-latency storage.

  Features and Benefits of exSat to Bitcoin

  To achieve its goals, exSat seeks to harness a Data Consensus Extension Protocol powered by a hybrid consensus mechanism. It also merges Proof of Work (PoW), Proof of Stake (PoS), and Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) capabilities. These solutions will ensure efficient synchronization of block data between Bitcoin miners and the exSat Network, broadening BTCs data consensus.

  The exSat platform integrates a smart contract with key features such as full EVM compatibility for Solidity developers. By supporting full Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatibility, developers will be able to create complex smart contracts with lower gas fees and enhance utility. It also facilitates ZK Rollups based on the EVM Platform, enhancing scalability and efficiency.

  exSat introduces decentralized state data indexing for native assets, enabling efficient querying and enhanced interoperability for BTC, Runes, BRC-20, and BRC-721. This feature facilitates on-chain decentralized trust within the Bitcoin ecosystem while supporting smart contracts with EVM compatibility.

  The Tron Involvement

  Tron (TRX) is one of the networks that has joined the Bitcoin L2 bridging race as it recently unveiled a blueprint to integrate Bitcoin and its Layer 2 solutions. Trons plans include developing user-friendly wallets and tools that support a wide range of BRC-20 tokens.

  The exSat functionality relies on a network of synchronizers and validators. Synchronizers, secured through Bitcoin PoW consensus, help in bridging BTC with exSat, ensuring accurate data transfer. The function of the validators is well-defined. They help in securing the network through the staking of BTC and XSAT tokens. exSat validators help to guarantee the fidelity of data and establish a secure decentralized network resistant to malicious behaviors.

  Analysts agree with exSat‘s offerings and model, Bitcoin’s scalability and interoperability can be enhanced, paving the way for a more efficient and robust cryptocurrency network.next

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